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Beaucerons In Tracking

On September 1, 2001, the Beauceron was moved into the AKC Miscellaneous Class and they are now eligible to compete in AKC obedience, agility, and tracking.

It didn't take long before the first Beauceron earned a tracking title.

A special congratulations to Remington Steal My Heart Away and owner Catherine Carbone. Remington was the first Beauceron to earn an AKC Tracking Dog (TD) title on September 30, 2001.

The first picture is of Cathe and Remmy the day of the tracking test. Between the fog and the overgrowth, I don't know how any dog passed that day!

The second picture is a very happy Cathe with the judges and tracklayer after she and Remmy had qualified.

Cathe and Remmy have already started their training toward the Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) title. Expect to see great things out of this fine team in the future.

Click on thumbnails to see the full size pictures.

For other talented tracking dogs, be sure to check out the Search and Rescue page.

Cathe and Remmy in tracking field - click for full size

Cathe and Remmy with judges and tracklayer - click  

Here are some recent accomplishments of other Beaucerons in tracking.

Titles updated through April 2015.

Congratulations to . . .

Susan and Abby during their tracking dog test Abby du Murier de Sordeille (F) DN208278/01
(Rick des Hautes Ruelles x Slyde du Murier de Sordeille)
Breeder: Guy Bonnefoy
Owner: Susan Dubois
NAMBR Tracking Dog (N-TD) - November 18, 2007

Abby and Susan received their Tracking Dog (N-TD) title on November 18, 2007. Abby is the first Beauceron in Canada to earn a Tracking Dog title. Abby is also the first Beauceron to earn a Tracking Dog title through NAMBR.

Blaze tracking. Blaze'N Bleue du Sugarmud (F) DN141188/11
(Doubleusir du Bois Tourbeaux x Veiheshe of Sugarmud Ranch)
Breeder: Catherine Reid
Owner: Jenny Thorp
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - April 12, 2009
USA Tracking 1 (TR1) - September 26, 2009
USA Tracking 2 (TR2) - June 26, 2010
USA Tracking 3 (TR3) - November 13, 2010

Congratulations to Blaze and Jenny. Blaze is an excellent agility dog and now has added tracking to her long list of titles. Be sure to check out Blaze's agility accomplishments on the agility page.

Chambord des Trois Couronnes (M) DN204525/01
(Viking des Anges de l'Ardilliere x Bonnemine des Anges de l'Ardilliere)
Breeder: Michel Dion
Owner: Beverly I Morean
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - March 27, 2011

Congratulations Beverly and Tank. Tank is not only an accomplished tracking dog, he is also an accomplished herding dog. See more of Tank's accomplishments on the herding page.

Michelle and Cupidon during their tracking dog test NEW Cupidon de Trappist (M) DN365261/01
(Ugho-hoey de Sainte Petronille x Ginger de Montclea)
Breeder: Maja Kostijal
Owner: Michele Godemann
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - December 8, 2013

Congratulations to Michele and Techno for earning their AKC Tracking Dog title. Cupidon was born January 27, 2013, so he was just 10 months old when he earned his TD title. This makes him the youngest dog to earn a Tracking Dog title.

Piman de la Prahas (Phantom) (M) DL869186/01
(Neron x Milane de la Prahas)
Breeder: Michel Pillard
Owner: Judy Butler
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - January 25, 2004
AKC Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) - March 6, 2005

** News Flash ** First Beauceron to earn TDX ** News Flash **

By far the most accomplished Beauceron in herding in the United States, Phantom has now added a Tracking Dog (TD) title to his list of accomplishments. He followed that up by being the very first Beauceron to earn the advanced Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) title. Phantom not only competes with Judy in herding and tracking events, he also is a real working farm dog and helps her daily on their sheep farm in California. See more of Phantom's accomplishments on the herding page.

Remington Steal My Heart Away (M) DL885052/01
(Mecca des Mes Yeux Vigilants x Minette du Canis Dirus)
Breeder: Susan Bass
Owner: Catherine Carbone
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - September 30, 2001

Remington and Catherine received their Tracking Dog (TD) title on September 30, 2001. Good work Remmy and Cathe!

Christina and Soliere with judges and tracklayer - click for full size Solder Soliere du Canis Dirus (M) DL898685/01
(Mario du Canis Dirus x India des Ombres Noires)
Breeder: Margo Brady
Owner: Christina Yohe
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - March 2, 2003

After being wait-listed for many, many trials, Christina and Soliere finally made in into a tracking trial. Soliere not only earned his TD that day, but being an accomplished obedience and agility dog, he also earned his Versatile Companion Dog title (VCD). But . . . because he had already earned both his Open obedience AND Open agility titles, he earned not only a Versatile Companion Dog 1 title but also earned a Versatile Companion Dog 2 title!!! This is an incredible accomplishment for any dog, but Soliere did it all before turning two years old! Soliere is the first Beauceron to earn the VCD1 and the VCD2 titles. See Soliere's agility and obedience accomplishments, and be sure to read more about Soliere on the new VCD page.

Super Solomon du Canis Dirus (M) DL898685/02
(Mario du Canis Dirus x India des Ombres Noires)
Breeder: Margo Brady
Owner: Amy Gibbs
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - October 24, 2004

Solomon and Amy received their Tracking Dog (TD) title on October 24, 2004 at Robertsville State Park, Robertsville, MO. The trial was held by the Gateway Tracking Club. Solomon is the second dog from his litter to earn a TD. Congratulations Solomon and Amy!

Michele and Techno - click for full size Technically Topaz Du Canis Dirus (F) DN025957/01
(Mario du Canis Dirus x India des Ombres Noires)
Breeder: Margo Brady
Owner: Michele Godemann
AKC Tracking Dog (TD) - December 7, 2003
AKC Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) - February 14, 2010

** News Flash ** First Beauceron to earn VCD3 ** News Flash **

Congratulations to Michele and Techno for earning their AKC Tracking Dog Excellent title. This was also the last title they needed for the coveted Versatile Companion Dog title level 3 (VCD3). To accomplish this, Michele and Techno earned a high level obedience title, UD, and high level agility titles, AX & AXJ, as well as a high level tracking title, TDX. Techno is the very first Beauceron in AKC to earn this title. Congratulations Michele and Techno, for showing everyone how wonderfully versatile the Beauceron truly is. You can read more about the Versatile Companion Dog (VCD) on the VCD page.

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